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For Esports, COVID-19 is far from ‘game over’
Esports — with its democratic production models, vast and diverse offerings, and a passionate and vocal fanbase extremely tapped into social media — is an incredible opportunity for media organizations who recognize the need to be creative, flexible, and vigilant under COVID-19. -
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Signiant incorpora a Juan Pablo Garza, veterano de la industria de los medios de comunicación, para liderar la expansión en América Latina
Tras registrar un crecimiento récord durante varios años consecutivos y un aumento masivo de la demanda mundial de sus productos inteligentes de transferencia de archivos, Signiant se complace en anunciar el nombramiento de JP Garza para liderar la expansión de la compañía en América Latina. -
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What’s New in Jet — March 2020
Signiant is excited to introduce the latest Jet updates: improvements to Job configuration, searching files, and Jet APIs. -
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Will COVID-19 change the way we work — forever?
From Signiant and the DPP: The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the media industry – like all industries – is huge and unprecedented. One of the most immediate impacts is the need for almost every company to adopt remote working, using cloud-based tools. -
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Streaming under COVID-19: a changing landscape
Ultimately, it goes without saying that COVID-19 has changed a great deal in the life of people all around the world, exposing infrastructure shortcomings and pushing industries into precarious and transformative positions. Streaming has played a major role in this. -
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Now you’re speaking my language: localization, dubbing, and file movement
Agility and adaptability in localization swiftly become an even bigger part of a supply chain when that supply chain encompasses international partnerships and multiple versions of a given piece of media that will need to be crafted, tailored, and distributed. -
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Is your company prepared to work remotely?
Any industry as vast as M&E is relatively unpredictable, and the surrounding unpredictable world only makes it more so. However with remote access, media businesses remain prepared for any disruption that may come their way —whether it’s coronavirus or (hopefully) something less severe. -
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4K vs 8K resolution: can you tell the difference?
Perceived improvement can be a larger consumer force — if it’s 8K, it must be better. Industry publication Streaming Media suggests content producers have long thought High Dynamic Range (HDR) has a far bigger impact on the viewing experience than resolution. But average consumers may believe more pixels equal a better picture, which makes it harder to convince them of HDR when higher resolutions like 4K or 8K are offered. -
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Is the industry ready for 8K file sizes?
Some have debated the degree to which or the rate at which 8K adoption will change M&E, but the reality is that adoption is already well underway, and the diversity of applications for this format might go a long way to hasten it. As such, there’s a good chance that 8K will impact media enterprises before they planned on it, and they’ll have to be ready for large file sizes if they want to take full advantage of the opportunity. -
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Bandwidth vs. Throughput, and How to Get the Most Out of Your Network
Signiant’s accelerated file transfer solutions are designed to optimize transfers based on file and storage type, distance, and network conditions, to make sure you get the most out of all available bandwidth. And, the bigger the pipe, the more we can help!