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Transfer Files with the Signiant App
Today we deployed an update to Media Shuttle allowing all users to transfer files using Chrome and Edge with the Signiant App. Users visiting any Shuttle portal using the Chrome or Edge browser will now be automatically prompted to download the Signiant App to transfer files. -
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Object Storage-Backed Media Shuttle: The easiest way to start touching the cloud
No matter how big or small your company is, it’s generally best to start cloud adoption with just one application that will provide broad value across your business. Cloud-based applications can change to meet the needs of users and keep up with other technologies at a rate that is impossible to match with on-premises counterparts. -
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The Death of the NPAPI
Netscape Navigator gave birth to the Netscape Plug-in Application Programmer Interface (NPAPI). The NPAPI allowed browser functionality to be extended to render content types, like video, not handled natively with a web page. It was also used to generically extend browser capabilities beyond those supported by standards. -
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ESPN’s Latest Tech Upgrade: Video Streaming vs. Media File Transfer in Sports Video Production
ESPN has long relied on Signiant technology to support their media file transfer needs. As a company that provides just one aspect of ESPN’s vast production facilities, we’re always curious to see how they’re advancing in other areas as well. -
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Transitioning to SaaS and Agile: Mike Nash looks back on Signiant’s move to cloud-based software development
Developing true SaaS requires a lot more investment in new functions within the organization, such as a devops (development operations) team that is responsible for monitoring ongoing health and change control, deployment rollbacks and more. It’s just a totally different way of looking at software. -
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Re:Invent recap: Snowball vs. Flight for moving large amounts of content to Amazon S3
Snowball definitely is a sound solution if you’re moving bulk data periodically, but beware of potential operational, performance and efficiency costs. -
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Storage Independence: Media Shuttle’s New Cloud Storage Integration
With Amazon re;Invent happening today, it’s a timely moment to discuss Media Shuttle’s new cloud deployment option, which allows you to choose to store your files with several cloud vendors, including Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure. -
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How Snippies’s video journalists around the world transfer big files
Tom DiCerbo, Managing Partner at Snippies, published an article in TV Technology last week, capturing both the chaos of life before Media Shuttle and their experience using it. -
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IP at IBC: How Signiant solves the IP problem
There’s been a lot of discussion around IP (internet protocol) technology at this year’s IBC conference. Here’s a little more detail on how Signiant solves the IP problem for large file video transfers. -
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The Art of the Hack debunks 20 information security myths
Is our personal information more vulnerable than a year ago? 84 percent of Americans think so. In order to bring some light to the many information security myths that plague our paranoid nation, David Spark of Art of the Hack reached out to dozens of industry experts, including Signiant’s CTO Ian Hamilton.