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More Than Just a Pretty Portal: Customization in Shuttle helps build trust
With only a couple of clicks, portal administrators can change colors, add background graphics, move the form box, and create a fully branded web page to send and share content. And, because many of our customers are highly adept at high resolution imagery, we’ve seen some truly impressive portals. -
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Stargate Studios highlights Media Shuttle on postPerspective
Stargate Studios is a really impressive company, continuing to be successful after 25 years and having offices in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Vancouver, Toronto, Mexico City, London, Berlin, Cologne, Malta and Dubai. When asked how they’ve stayed in the game so long, Frankel shared advice about constantly reinventing yourself, your process and the tools you use. -
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The Biggest Barrier to Big Data Analytics with Hadoop
The biggest barrier to big data analysis with Hadoop is often getting data to a place where it’s accessible for analysis in the first place. Last week, our CTO Ian Hamilton addressed the topic in some depth for Data Informed, an online publication covering big data and analytics for business and IT professionals. -
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Google starts to wave goodbye to plug-ins
Unfortunately, with the recent release of Chrome version 42, Google has begun the process of discontinuing support for plug-ins. This change will impact all Media Shuttle, Media Exchange and Transfer API users that are using Chrome version 42+. -
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Harbor Picture Company gives New York film production a new edge
Over the past decade, New York has been slowly gaining on Los Angeles in terms of local film and television production. Mostly due to the Empire State Film Production Tax Credit launched in 2004, New York reported record numbers of local film projects in both 2013 and 2014, while Los Angeles experienced a slowdown. Yet, despite its iconic cityscape and talented artists, NYC still has a ways to go before catching up. -
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The sexiest story in the cloud is connected cows, and other takeaways from Microsoft Build
Microsoft’s annual conference for developers, Microsoft Build, has traditionally been very much for Microsoft developers. However, the last few years have seen the conference — and the corporation — taking a much more open approach. Two of the Signiant executive team were in San Francisco for last week’s version and brought back some fresh excitement for the direction Microsoft is taking under the leadership of Satya Nadella. -
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100 Years of Moving Images: A first look at SMPTE’s documentary film
Founded in 1916 and having developed over 800 standards and engineering guidelines, SMPTE is perhaps the ideal organization to create a documentary on the evolution of video technology over the past 100 years. They are currently in the early phases of shooting, mostly in the U.S., Canada and Europe, with months of sorting through historical footage, filming and editing ahead. “This documentary will shine the spotlight on the unsung heroes who are the inventors and perfecters of what is arguably the most important communication tool in the history of the industrial age,” said Producer Randall Dark. -
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Transitioning from FTP: Why today’s B2B solutions are SaaS
There was nothing “user friendly” about the early Internet. By today’s standards — where most people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load — the early Internet moved at a glacial pace. And, it was so technically esoteric, few people aside from computer experts and scientists understood how to use it. FTP, the Internet’s basic protocol for transferring files between systems, was invented in 1971 with its base specifications standardized during the 1980s. Even though FTP is still used today, its speed and user experience betray its legacy protocol status. -
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Flight’s end-to-end encryption protects assets in Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure
As the only SaaS solution for accelerating large files and unstructured data sets into and out of cloud storage, Signiant Flight has been a unique product on the market since it was released about a year ago. However, the SaaS model of software development allows for more than just uniqueness, its Agile release cycles result in rapid innovation and the ability to respond to customer feedback. While our developers regularly make improvements to Flight, two recent features deserve particular attention: end-to-end storage encryption and the first rollout of Flight’s storage independence options. -
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Local Hero Post on closing the digital gap in end-to-end feature film production
Local Hero was established during the dawn of professional digital filmmaking nearly a decade ago, during what Wahlquist called “the RED camera revolution.” The RED was the first all-digital camera appropriate for Hollywood sets, and was responsible for ushering in a new generation of filmmakers. They were smaller, tighter teams with all the skills and technology needed to craft cinema ready feature films, without all the heavy infrastructure of their predecessors.