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A surge in sports teams using SaaS for large file transfers
We’re always curious to see patterns of large file movement among different industries, so a recent surge in sports teams and leagues using our SaaS large file transfer solution, Media Shuttle, definitely caught our attention. Over the past year, teams from the NHL, NFL, NBA and the IRB (International Rugby Board) have purchased Media Shuttle, mainly to send game footage to news stations, but also for internal transfers, documentary filmmaking, and training and scouting purposes. -
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The importance of usability for secure software
Software security and User Experience Design are both popular subjects in tech media, but they usually draw different audiences and the important space where they overlap gets far less attention. After all, except for high-profile cyber breaches, software security is not nearly as trendy as “UX”. And thank goodness for the trend. Though we’ve come a long way, this 2007 Dilbert comic still holds some hilarious yet painful truth about how much we still need to improve user experience in regard to security measures. -
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Now Available: Azure Support for Signiant Flight
When initially released last summer, Signiant Flight was available to integrate only with Amazon S3 storage. We are happy to announce that you can now quickly transfer large files to and from Microsoft Azure object storage as well (with Google Cloud support coming soon). -
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Seven Reasons Why We Love Our Customers
With Valentine’s Day upon us, we’ve been reflecting on our lives and the people we love. We know it’s a bit mushy, but we really do love our customers and wanted to share a few reasons why. -
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How NFL Films Moves Big Data
For over fifty years, NFL Flims has taught Americans how to watch football. As Steve Sabol, artist and longtime President of NFL films, used to say, “Good storytelling never goes out of style.” Yet the way NFL Films tells their story and how it travels from game day to television broadcast has changed dramatically over the years. A recent behind-the-scenes video reveals just how much large file transfer technology has improved the process. -
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SkyDrop is now called Signiant Flight
We are excited to announce a new name for SkyDrop. Signiant’s SaaS solution for the transfer of large data sets into and out of cloud storage is now called Flight. For unforeseen reasons, we had to change the name, but we are happy to have the opportunity to talk more about this up and coming product. -
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Margaret Craig on the media business and cloud adoption in 2015 (CloudWedge)
In 2014, cloud computing finally became commonplace within Media & Entertainment technology, a much needed leap many experts say was held back by security concerns. And the broader cloud computing community is taking note. Last week, CloudWedge published a comprehensive article on the trend of cloud adoption in the media industry by Signiant CEO Margaret Craig called Cloud Adoption: A Media & Entertainment Perspective. -
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Will Hollywood’s latest cyber-attack further inhibit cloud adoption?
Within Media & Entertainment, those responsible for the technology future of their companies are facing a dilemma. Cloud solutions provide what might be the only answer to escalating data amounts within an increasingly agile industry. But security fears inhibit many from taking advantage of SaaS and other cloud technologies. -
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Securing SaaS, Part 4: Physical Security and Breach Detection
Operational policies and procedures are key to the security of any SaaS offering. Signiant operational policies and procedures are established in accordance with industry standards for service organization controls. Connectivity between the production service environment and Signiant business operations is restricted in accordance with least privilege and defense-in-depth principals. Fully independent production and development Media Shuttle environments are also maintained. This blog highlights some of the operational controls in place for production elements of the cloud environment. -
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Today is World TV Day! Besides entertainment, what good is television?
When most of us think about television, what immediately comes to mind is the latest show we’re addicted to or perhaps how destructive too much of it can be on the developing brains of our youth. But TV has long played a role at the center of democratic, free speech and social movements across the globe, depending on the level of government control over the medium.