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Tech Spotlight with Gavin Tweedie
Hey, it’s Shark Week on Discovery Channel (a Signiant customer) so what better way to celebrate than to shine this month’s Tech Spotlight on our very own Gavin Tweedie who recently found himself diving with great white sharks off Seal Island just outside Capetown. Based in Scotland, Gavin leads technical operations for Signiant in EMEA. He has been with the company since we opened the doors in Europe six years ago. -
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Top 10 Reasons to Try Media Shuttle
Our new subscription-based fast file transfer software is here! And, we’re offering up a free 14-day trial of Media Shuttle so you can see just how incredible it is. Read about the ‘Top 10 Reasons’ to try it today. -
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Signiant’s Media Shuttle Reaches Soho
Thankfully the rain didn’t prevent friends from Deluxe, Sony, Loft London, Boxer and many others from coming along to hear Gavin Tweedie give an overview of Media Shuttle with a live demo of how to create a branded file sharing portal in a matter of minutes. -
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Going to NAB?
Boxer Systems will also be a critical part of our EMEA success story in 2012 as we launch new products, but you won’t read about them here today. Just like the rest of the M&E world, we will be announcing these exciting new solutions at NAB.