Who Won Adobe’s Race to the Cloud? Racing Large file S3 uploads at Adobe Summit

Adobe integrates with Signiant for fast S3 uploads

Signiant’s acceleration technology was put to the test in front of thousands a few weeks ago at the Adobe Summit on digital marketing.

In the session, What’s new in Experience Manager Assets: Top-10 hottest DAM features, Adobe’s Elliot Sedegah (Sr Product Marketing Manager) and Joshua Ramirez (Head of Product, AEM Assets) discussed the main AEM features that help organizations utilize their digital assets and deliver amazing customer experiences.

Number two on their list involved getting large media assets to the cloud, and the challenges doing so using standard IP technology.


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One of the latest innovations the Adobe managed services team has made in DAM and Rich Media is an integration with Signiant acceleration technology.

“For digital assets, one of the biggest complaints you get is, ‘What do I do when I have a really large file? How do I even get the content into the cloud to begin with?’” said Sedegah. “For that, Josh is going to show you a few things that the managed services team has been working on.”

Moving large files to AWS with vs. without Signiant acceleration

Rather than just talk about the Signiant integration, Sedegah and Ramirez wanted to show a side-by-side comparison of transferring a large file to Amazon S3 with and without Signiant acceleration technology. “I am going to show a demo. Let’s have a race. What we are going to be racing is uploads of large files,” said Remirez as he prepared the demo. Here’s how he set it up:

“What I’ve done to mimic the distance you potentially could have to your AWS instance is to remote desktop into an AEM instance that happens to be in Singapore. And the back end to this, the AWS instance that it is talking to, is over in the Bay Area.

“I want to show you the accelerated uploads that the managed services team has been working on with the Signiant integration… I want to show you how much better it can be, both for uploading large files, but also for initial implementation and asset ingestion… being able to ingest terabytes of data. With this integration we hope to make it lightning fast.”

You can probably guess that Signiant acceleration wins by a long shot, but it’s still worth watching the presentation. If you don’t have time for the entire hour, skip to about 09:50 to see Adobe’s “Race to the Cloud” demo.


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Advance to 09:50 to see Signiant acceleration vs. no acceleration demo, moving large media files to AWS


We are thrilled to be partnering with Adobe to help organizations create great customer experiences. For more on Signiant’s partners, visit our partner page.

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