Manager+Agents customers, it’s time to upgrade to Flight Deck

Flight Deck unites the feature-rich functionality of Manager+Agents and the powerful cloud I/O capabilities of Signiant Flight — which together form the core transport backbone for most of the world’s largest media companies. Flight Deck’s cloud-connected features, including visibility from the same Signiant console used by Media Shuttle and Jet, bring the gold standard in advanced automated file movement into the SaaS era.

Why Upgrade Now:

  • Easy upgrade. Any Managers and Agents you have deployed will continue to function as normal with new added benefits

  • Latest software. In addition to new capabilities, moving to Flight Deck ensures you are on the latest Manager+Agents software with the most recent security updates

  • The Signiant Platform. By moving to Flight Deck, you become part of the Signiant Platform which now includes access to Media Engine

  • Cloud backup. Flight Deck provides a SaaS service to automatically store Manager backups in the cloud

  • Improved visibility into jobs. Information about current and completed jobs is retained in the cloud and accessible to users through the new Flight Deck interface

  • Enhanced visibility into subscription usage. Via the Flight Deck interface, it’s easier to see how much Signiant software is licensed and currently deployed


Schedule time to talk with your Signiant account team to plan your upgrade.

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