extreme file sharing

The Extreme Files of Media Production
The huge file sizes involved in media production and distribution are so large that they’ve earned the coined phrase “extreme files,” driving the development of extreme file transfer software that is now being adopted in other data intensive industries.

Media IT professionals also face the challenge of having to deal with a wide array of file sizes at different points in the path from production to distribution.

The files coming off feature film sets, for example, are often over 5 terabytes, and generally get smaller and greater in number by the time they are ready for distribution, dropping off dramatically for secondary distribution to outlets like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Instant Video.

However, even the smallest files (1-3 MB) are not small and become problematic if you need to send them over the Internet, especially if you’re transferring multiple clips or an entire television series.

The acceleration technology in Signiant’s SaaS solutions speed deliveries up to 200x that of standard internet transfers and is especially impactful for anything over 500 MB.

Signiant offers the speed, unlimited file size capacity, and security needed for sending extreme files anywhere along the production and distribution process — from the beginning to the many endings.

For more on extreme files, check out the blog selection below:

  • The New York City skyline.
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    Harbor Picture Company gives New York film production a new edge

    Over the past decade, New York has been slowly gaining on Los Angeles in terms of local film and television production. Mostly due to the Empire State Film Production Tax Credit launched in 2004, New York reported record numbers of local film projects in both 2013 and 2014, while Los Angeles experienced a slowdown. Yet, despite its iconic cityscape and talented artists, NYC still has a ways to go before catching up.
  • global unstructured data growth
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    Move Large Files Fast: Overcoming the challenge of transferring huge unstructured data sets

    The first era deemed an “information explosion” was in the mid 1900s and correlated to major University research libraries’ doubling in size every sixteen years. However, the information explosion of those days was a mere sparkle compared to now. By 2020, IDC predicts that the volume of world’s digital data will have reached 44 Zettabytes.
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    Post-Production Product Placement

    Today, some of the most innovative TV advertisers are working with a technique known as post-production product placement, a more natural form of traditional product placement — something that once seemed like an improvement over commercials but has gotten rather ridiculous as of late. Post-production product placements are less disruptive because they are placed in TV shows after they’ve been created, allowing advertisers to carefully select a clip to implant a brand image like the billboard in this scene. They can even insert TV tickers appropriate to each market, allowing viewers to engage with a brand via social media.
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    Five Reasons to Say Goodbye to FTP

    Do you wait hours for your large files to be shared with colleagues and clients? Have you ever struggled to use an FTP client? Do you worry about what has happened to your files after sending them? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then chances are that you’ve had to deal with an outdated FTP system. Here are five good reasons to say goodbye to our outdated FTP system.