large file transfer

The size of media files continues to grow rapidly, and more and more businesses need to regularly handle large file transfer between employees, contractors and partners.

Transferring large files using standard internet protocols like FTP and TCP is slow, prone to failure and generally not secure. Typically, the risks of transferring large files over these protocols are amplified with longer distances. Simply making the bandwidth larger doesn’t result in faster large file transfers because protocols like TCP and FTP still contend with latency when large files move over long distances.

A more advanced file acceleration technology, such as Signiant’s large file transfer technology, minimizes the impact of latency and network congestion. Large files transferred with Signiant’s technology, will move at faster speeds – no matter the distance. Learn more about the latest solution in large file transfer.

Visit Media Shuttle for more information about the easiest and most reliable way to send any size file, anywhere, fast.

Visit Flight for more information about moving large files into and out of the cloud.

  • A mostly empty theater with many screens on and around the stage and a sign that says Chi Town is Draft Town.
    | Blog

    The NFL draft is happening! How we help teams send large video files

    Yesterday marked the start of this year’s NFL Draft, and many of the teams involved are using our technology to send large video files for broadcasting on stations around the country.
  • Women running a relay race.
    | Press Releases

    Integration Between Signiant and Avid Interplay | MAM Enables Easy Access To High-speed Transfers

    Signiant announces the integration of its Manager + Agents solution with the Avid® Interplay® | MAM system. Customers can now initiate accelerated file transfers from within Interplay | MAM, making it easier than ever to use the power of Signiant technology in support of global creative processes.
  • A studio set up to do photography with cameras, lights and other equipment.
    | Blog

    Five technical challenges of producing in-house video for your company

    Today, most large enterprises have developed teams that look and act a lot like a media production company, and they are facing some familiar technical challenges.
  • Skyscrapers in the city of Dubai.
    | Press Releases

    Media Shuttle Helps twofour54 Support Growing Film Industry in Middle East

    Signiant announced it is working with twofour54, Abu Dhabi’s media and entertainment hub, to support its mission of nurturing the industry in the Middle East Region. twofour54, which has provided production services for major international blockbusters including “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Fast & Furious 7,” uses Signiant Media Shuttle, the de facto standard for hands-on movement of large files, to move terabytes of media files for its clients.
  • A man filming another man and a woman talking for a corporate video.
    | Blog

    Every Company Is Becoming a Media Company

    From marketing, sales and customer support to employee on-boarding and safety training, video is quickly becoming the choice medium for business communications. Some companies work with professional production agencies. But others are building internal media teams that look very much like small production houses.
  • The words Around the World above a map of the world with dots in various important cities and lines connecting them.
    | Blog

    Moving Fast with Media Shuttle Infographic: Looking Back on 3 Years

    It’s hard to believe that it’s already been three years since we released Media Shuttle. It was – and is – a significant product innovation for Signiant as a whole new way for people to take advantage of our file acceleration technology. Not only is it our first SaaS solution, it was also the first SaaS solution on the market for quickly moving large content files. Check out this infographic summing up three years of Media Shuttle.
  • global unstructured data growth
    | Blog

    Move Large Files Fast: Overcoming the challenge of transferring huge unstructured data sets

    The first era deemed an “information explosion” was in the mid 1900s and correlated to major University research libraries’ doubling in size every sixteen years. However, the information explosion of those days was a mere sparkle compared to now. By 2020, IDC predicts that the volume of world’s digital data will have reached 44 Zettabytes.
  • The feet of a hockey player with the hockey stick about to hit the puck.
    | Blog

    A surge in sports teams using SaaS for large file transfers

    We’re always curious to see patterns of large file movement among different industries, so a recent surge in sports teams and leagues using our SaaS large file transfer solution, Media Shuttle, definitely caught our attention. Over the past year, teams from the NHL, NFL, NBA and the IRB (International Rugby Board) have purchased Media Shuttle, mainly to send game footage to news stations, but also for internal transfers, documentary filmmaking, and training and scouting purposes.
  • 3 men sitting on a couch watching football and reacting excitedly.
    | Blog

    How NFL Films Moves Big Data

    For over fifty years, NFL Flims has taught Americans how to watch football. As Steve Sabol, artist and longtime President of NFL films, used to say, “Good storytelling never goes out of style.” Yet the way NFL Films tells their story and how it travels from game day to television broadcast has changed dramatically over the years. A recent behind-the-scenes video reveals just how much large file transfer technology has improved the process.
  • Bicycle courier riding down street.
    | Blog

    From FTP to Couriers, the Ad Hoc Reality for Media Companies Today

    There are many options available for moving small files over the Internet. However, there are few solutions that can handle the massive files common in the media industry. Sharing these large assets requires a different set of capabilities to ensure speed, security, and control. Many media firms still rely on a mix of ad hock technologies, such as shipping hard drives and using non-secure or outdated file sharing services.
  • | Blog

    Enterprise file transfer for everyone

    Traditionally, enterprise-grade large file transfer software was necessarily complex. In order to achieve efficient file movement, enterprises managed an expanse of IT infrastructure and the software designed to work with it. But it was worth it. For industries like Media & Entertainment — that make their living off very large media content files — sending data of any amount, anywhere within their network, with reliable security and central management, was and is a vital business function. However, it’s a different world for smaller businesses that can’t afford multiple data centers, even if…
  • | Blog

    Why media companies (and everyone else) are reconsidering FTP

    FTP is still used by the large majority of media professionals as a foundation technology for custom built applications to transfer large files. At one time, this 40+ year-old technology had its place. Now it’s slow, outdated, and very difficult to update and support. This SlideShare covers traditional uses for FTP and introduces Media Shuttle: a hybrid SaaS large file movement solution.